Sound much like music from Perfect Dark but with a darker feel to it.
i'll try it out in Fallout 3 later.
5 -9
Sound much like music from Perfect Dark but with a darker feel to it.
i'll try it out in Fallout 3 later.
5 -9
Awesome! Glad to give you a dark back drop of VG music!! =D Thanks for the support Maverlyn.
this track is just full of emotions :)
What else?
Chrono Trigger "600 A.D"
Still one of the best rpg's of all time!
Thanks man im glad someone out there knows about this great game. These ratings suck lol 2.10
My say
This sets a mood i thought i culdn't reach :)
My say
Fine work :) soft and personal mood with just the right balance.
5/5 10/10
I love your reviews.
thats some good mixing
i actually had to search for the original to compare and your's is on hell of a track :)
10/10 5/5 DL
Plz return the favor on my latest submission The journey begins!
Thanks very much, and yes i will do :) Please show your friends if possible! :D
This is awsome traveling music :) if i may i want to use this for my fallout 3 :)
Plz return the favor on my lates submission The journey begins!
You are welcome to use it in your game/movie. I will check out your submission. :)
Edit: I checked out your song and gave it LENGTHY feedback as I normally do when I seriously critique a song.
mellow as hell, nice work :D
Plz return the favor on my new submission The journey begins!
Hell is not very mellow =D
thx 40 review
Some secrets are best left alone
Age 41, Female
Alternate Dimension
Joined on 1/15/10